Today, baldness worries and affects many people, especially androgenic alopecia that is the one that occurs for hereditary reasons. A l’heure actuelle, la thérapie plasma plasmatique plaquettaire attire l’attention de nombreux praticiens et patients pour son efficacité, sa simplicité et sa sécurité pour prévenir la perte de cheveux et l’alopécie.
Platelet rich plasma consists of extracting blood from the patient and separating the platelet rich plasma from the rest through a centrifugation process and its subsequent combination with an activator compound. Then, through microinjections the plasma is injected into those sparsely populated areas of the scalp painlessly.
This treatment is mainly used to stop and reverse the thinning of the hair follicles, which are causing hair loss, as well as to stimulate the restoration and vascularization of them after a hair transplant in the receiving area.
The best candidates to enjoy this type of treatment to avoid hair loss are:
- Patients with little amount of hair.
- Patients with androgenetic alopecia.
- Women with male pattern alopecia.
The fact that platelet growth factors are obtained from the patient’s own blood is a great benefit as it eliminates the associated risks such as possible allergies, hypersensitivity or other reactions.
There are also many people who prefer this type of treatment because of its natural qualities since no chemicals are used, so it is a totally safe process.
The results of the treatment can be variable according to the origin of the hair loss and are progressive, obtaining evident changes after the first 3-4 sessions. It usually takes 4 to 8 sessions to get the best results.