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Las infiltraciones capilares se caracterizan por ser uno de los tratamientos más eficaces para frenar la caída de cabello y promover la aparición de pelo nuevo en las áreas más pobres tanto en hombres como en mujeres.

Capillary infiltration treatment in Barcelona

The infiltrations consist of applying a combination of active products of difficult absorption as the vitamins, amino acids and certain minerals directly in the follicle through a pneumatic system. In this way it is possible to revitalize the follicles and increase the thickness and volume of the hair.

The great advantage of this treatment is that it doesn’t produce pain since in the infiltrated combination there is incorporated anesthesia and produces no side effects.

The sessions must be held monthly or quarterly as the case may be. Usually are needed 7 to 12 sessions over the course of 1-2 years, always complementing with pharmaceutical treatments.