What are they?
Las arañas vasculares o telangiectasias no son un problema de salud, pero pueden causar sensaciones desagradables y problemas estéticos. Se caracterizan por ser dilataciones de los vasos sanguíneos más superficiales y que se localizan inmediatamente debajo de la piel. Suelen aparecer en las piernas debido a la presión del peso corporal, pero también pueden surgir en la cara y escote, así como en otras partes del cuerpo.
Who does it affect?
Principalmente, las mujeres (30-40%) tienen más tendencia a padecer problemas vasculares que los hombres (5-15%).
Cuando hay una insuficiencia valvular a nivel de las extremidades inferiores, hay un aumento de la presión local, provocando que los capilares se dilaten, se carguen más de sangre y se vean a través de la piel.
Las causas principales son:
- Herencia genética
- Sobrepeso
- Paso del tiempo
- Sedentarismo
- Exposición al sol
- Alteraciones hormonales (embarazo, menopausia, pubertad)
- Anticonceptivos orales
Las causas principales son:
- Tipos de piel (blancas)
- Embarazo
- Exposición al sol
We can meet:
- Superficial varices: are the telangiectasias or spider veins. It’s the most frequent type.
- Tongue varices: are the varices themselves. They have different degrees of dilation and are more or less visible.
It’s very important to make a diagnosis by a specialist to determine the origin of these venous dilatations. Next, performing a venous echo-doppler gives us the anatomy information of the varix as well as the medical options that can be performed for its removal.
If there is a communication between the deep venous system and the superficial venous system, then the usual solution is surgery or the intraluminal lasers.
If there is no communication, we can differentiate between:
- Vein diameter less than 0,5 cm: vascular laser.
- Diameter of the veins superior to 0,5 cm: sclerotherapy injections.
It’s painful?
We at the clinic performed the vascular laser treatment. Anesthetic cream can be applied in the area to minimize any discomfort to the patient.
How many sessions are needed?
In most cases, between 3 and 4 sessions are required.
How long does the treatment last?
It’s a very effective treatment since once removed it no longer appears again as long as physical activity is carried out and a healthy life is carried out.
Pre-treatment advice
- Essential perform out an eco scan – doppler to determine how the vascular tree of the lower extremities is.
- If there is mild or moderate limb insufficiency do two sessions of presotherapy before performing the first session of laser.
Post-treatment advice
- Use moderate compression stockings.
- To lead a healthy lifestyle
- Doing physical activity
- Not sunbathing
- If there aren’t major venous problems, it’s recommended two sessions of presotherapy.