93 393 31 27 / 93 393 31 65 / 93 254 64 71 info@lopezgil.com


With the passage of time, we began to notice the effects of aging on our skin, especially on the face. There are many patients who want to improve their appearance without surgery or infiltration. In these cases we advise laser facial rejuvenation.


Facial rejuvenation

Through the application of the neodymium laser (1064nm) it selectively impacts the deeper blood vessels of the dermis, thus stimulating the formation of new collagen.

It’s characterized by being a non-invasive procedure, relatively fast, comfortable, safe and with no visible effects that oblige the patient to stop their daily activity.

We managed to improve the texture, minimize fine wrinkles and pigmentations of the skin, as well as minimize pores and strengthen tissues with sagging without creating crusting or wounds.


Through a single session of ablative fractionated co2 laser that consists of removing the skin tissues layer by layer we get:

  • Improve sagging.
  • Remove wrinkles, acne marks and sun and red spots.

Today, it’s the most complete anti-aging treatment without infiltrations and with better aesthetic results. Aesthetic effects begin to appear within a week of the treatment (once crusts have been removed from the erosions), increasing the improvement over a period of up to six months. The effects achieved are long lasting.

More information here