What is it?
A vascular injury is any cutaneous manifestation that has its origin in a blood vessel, whether normal, aberrant or pathological. Vascular lesions (spots) occur in all shapes and sizes and have a variety of causes. There are several types:
- Varicose veins, varicosities and telangiectasias
- Rosacea and couperose
- Chronic sun damage
- Port wine stains
- Ruby Dots
- Hemangiomas and angiomas
Some lesions are present from birth, while others develop with age as a manifestation of:
- Aging of the skin
- Hormonal changes
- Consequence of accumulated solar damage
- Circulatory Disorders
- Diseases of the skin
What does it consist of?
There is no type of topic that eliminates this topical prepared type of injuries so we must resort to the use of the laser or the pulsed light to improve their appearance or eliminate them. Certain lasers and pulsed intense filtered light selectively impact the hemoglobin contained in the blood vessels that produce a collapse in their walls, causing it to close, causing partial disappearance of the small blood vessels.
Depending on the type of injury, one or the other laser is applied:
- Pulsed light: indicated to treat the couperose.
- Neodymium YAG laser: safely and definitively removes punctate varicosities and vascular lesions, ruby points, telangiectasias, spider veins.
It’s painful?
Treatment of vascular lesions is not characterized for be as a painful treatment. After the session the skin is reddened for a period of two to four hours and the patient can perform normal life with no more precaution than the use of sunscreen SFP S50 and compression stockings for the case of the leg varicose veins.
How many sessions are needed?
It’s required between a session for ruby points or spider veins of the lips up to a minimum of three separate sessions every 4-6 weeks for removal of the couperose or varicose veins.
Pre-treatment advice
- Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun for 7 days before treatment.
- Don’t be tanned.
- Don’t have recent wounds or scars.
- Don’t take anti-inflammatories 7 days before.
- Don’t have herpes.
Post-treatment advice
- Avoid prolonged sun exposure for 7 days afterwards.
- Use sunscreen.
- Don’t perform sessions of UVA rays.
- Avoid treatments that erode the skin or that peel it.
- Don’t perform physical activity immediately.