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To what?

The appearance of vertical wrinkles on the upper lip is a frequent query in aesthetic dermatology, especially in women from the age of 40. The upper lip wrinkles usually appears in people very expressive or who smoke or have had during this habit.

What does upper lip wrinkles consist of?

For the treatment of the upper lip wrinkles, infiltrations of hyaluronic acid are made at the base of the wrinkle to fill the volume lost over the years. Normally, in a single session is enough to greatly improve the area and make disappear vertical wrinkles that both bother many patients.

However, sometimes the wrinkles are very deep, and it’s then recommended to perform three or four sessions of non-ablative fractionated laser to further blur the remaining wrinkles and achieve a better result.

It is painful?

Al aplicar anestesia, el/la paciente no siente ninguna molestia ni dolor. Los labios, durante los 2-3 días siguientes después de la primera inyección de ácido hialurónico, se hinchan, por lo que se recomienda realizar el tratamiento previo a unos días festivos o antes del fin de semana.

How many sessions are needed?

In general, a single session is necessary to obtain good results.

The duration of the effect is between 8 and 15 months, although it depends on the depth of the wrinkles and the person’s natural gesticulation.

Pre-treatment tips

  • Avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatories the previous 10 days. It’s advisable to take anti-herpes medication in people predisposed to have it.

Post-treatment tips

  • Use cold compresses 2-3 times a day for the first few days.
  • Hydrate the area well