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What is couperose or rosacea?

Couperose and rosacea are benign, chronic and recurrent conditions of the skin. They are characterized by:

  • Couperose: present redness due to dilation of the capillaries that irrigate the dermis.
  • Rosacea: can show dilation of vessels and/or inflammatory lesions with papules and pustules on the face, similar to acne.

Who does it affect?

They can affect both men and women, although they mostly affect women from the age of 30 and tend to increase with age.

Couperose or rosacea causes

The factors that predispose to suffer from these skin conditions are:

  • Clear phototypes
  • Age
  • Hereditary factors
  • Certain medications (hypotensive or topical corticosteroids).
  • Food factors (abuse of coffee, alcohol, tobacco or spicy foods).
  • Intense emotional situations, stress, tiredness and nerves.
  • Extreme temperature situations (exposure to sun, wind, cold).
  • Environmental pollution (smoke, dioxides, lead, tobacco …).

Couperose or rosacea treatment in Barcelona

Although they are benign affections, it’s recommended to treat them by their aesthetic discomfort.

In the case of rosacea, on the one hand we have treatments to treat the inflammatory phase as are the antibiotics and on the other hand the vascular laser to treat the dilation of the vessels (cuperosis).

The vascular laser definitively closes the dilated veins that cause the redness. To achieve the total elimination, three or four sessions are required throughout the year, but it depends on each particular case. The procedure is painless but during the two or three days after treatment can cause minor discomfort.